Announcing the 2024 PSPC Chicago Fund grantee partners

The Partnership for Safe and Peaceful Communities announces 249 grassroots organizations in neighborhoods hardest hit by gun violence will receive $1.9 million in grants from the 2024 Chicago Fund for Safe and Peaceful Communities to support activities that bring neighbors together to help make their communities safer this summer and early fall.

The Chicago Fund for Safe and Peaceful Communities

Together, we can center communities, strengthen relationships and build trust across Chicago.

We believe in equity, fairness and opportunity.

The Chicago Fund is different.

Donors to this Fund also are engaged in larger, long-term efforts to help address the problem of violence prevention and community safety. What makes this Fund different from those efforts is that its intended purpose is to provide highly-targeted, immediate support to smaller, neighborhood-based groups over the summer and early fall.

Together, we can create more peaceful communities.

Grants from the Chicago Fund for Safe and Peaceful communities support community-based organizations to create the conditions for violence prevention and reduction in our city. The most recent grant awards were announced in May 2024.

Let’s Talk

Reach Out To Us

If you have a question, idea, compliment or concern about the Fund or the summer programs we are supporting, tell us here and we will respond as soon as possible You also can sign up here for updates from the Fund.


    Contact Us

    Find Us Here


    Chicago Fund for Safe & Peaceful Communities
    c/o Chicago Community Foundation
    33 S. State St., Suite 750
    Chicago, IL 60603



    (312) 616-6769